Business Consulting and Best Practices
Business Consulting
To enter the world of modern business management consulting for the most part is akin to stepping through the looking glass. It’s a parallel universe built on truisms, with its own language and lore and propensity for trying to make common sense ideas read like an academic dissertation.
We understand that our customers already know that “any system is only as good as the processes that drive it”. The Cimmira Inc. business management consulting services focus on the real-life application of proven business methodology.
Business Consulting Services
Our consultants draw on their decades of hands-on experience in variety of industries. We offer comprehensive services and tools, from management sales help like project ROIs and business analysis to full cycle project implementation assistance in re-design roadmaps, nomenclature and process standardization and optimization. To us these concepts are not mere platitudes and jargon but real actions and deliverables.

Project Assessment and ROI
Project scope and applicability assessment. Project-specific ROI based on industry benchmark data and customer details
Business Process Analysis
Business process assessment, gaps and opportunities analysis and recommendations
System Deployment and Optimization
Analysis and recommendation for system configuration and customization for new and existing deployments

Re-design Roadmaps
System-specific process re-design roadmaps and deliverab
Industry Best Practices
Industry best practices and benchmarking for project-specific deliverables
Technology and Business Strategy
Assist in developing cohesive and innovative technology strategy that supports the business objectives